Tapinstall exe failed windows 8

Tapinstall exe failed windows 8

Follow the instructions below based on the version of ExpressVPN you have installed. You will also need to know .

There have been a number of users with similar issues, and we have yet to be able to replicate it here, making troubleshooting difficult. I will now give you experimental instructions which I can make no claims about other than that they didn't wreck my machine.To check success, go to Control Panel, Device Manager and see if "NBS Port Interfaces" is there with "NBSPortDriver" underneath it. Please inform us of the success or failure of the above procedures. Good luck!

Please try uninstalling Presentation, then rebooting, then right click the presentation installer and click "Run as Administrator". If you still get the error, then use the Windows File Explorer to go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Neurobehavioral Systems\Presentation\Version171051514\install", right click nbs_inst.exe and click "Run as Administrator". Post any errors you get here.

I am having the same problem as Archana. We have an HP Elite Desktop that did not have a parallel port. We need this to output event codes to a Neuroscan system.Thank you!

The file should have two signatures (SHA1 and SHA2), and if I recall correctly, above command should show the fingerprint of both, and say that both are "Valid". More fine-grained information can be obtained using "File properties" dialog in Windows Explorer. Some extra information is available on the Wiki-page.

Tapinstall exe failed windows 8


Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the

In computer networking, are virtual network kernel devices. Being network devices supported entirely in software, they differ from ordinary network devices which are backed up by hardware network adapters.

Are you logged into your computer as a user with Administrative privileges? Are you installing the correct version for your operating system (32-bit vs. 64-bit)? Try downloading the "Windows XP SP 3/Vista SP 1/7/8.x 64 (64 bit only)" version of Presentation again.Archana

You can simply install a new TAP adapter .

+1, I actually had to dig for this because the script to add a new adapter, with elevated permissions of course.

Hi, Archana


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